Archery was vital to the survival of early humans and a giant step in thinking
Development of the bow meant we were thinking hard: human cognitive evolution and archaeology.
The Holmegaard bow has been dated to around 7000 BC
A Bit of Physical Science: Energy From a Bow Goes Into Kinetic Energy of the Arrow
Humans hunted for meat 2 million years ago
Early Stone Age people hunted with sharpened sticks. Later, they used bows and arrows and spears tipped with flint or bone. People gathered nuts and fruits and dug up roots. They went fishing using nets and harpoons.
Prehistoric children were hard workers, who learned from an early age to use the weapons and tools that would help them
Science and Culture of the Bow and Arrow
Legendary Archers: Female Gods and Heroes
The Two Most Common Bows
Crossbow vs. the Longbow in the Medieval Period
Archery at the Olympic Games: the early era and the modern era.
The Quest to Shoot an Arrow Farther Than Anyone Has Before
Grand Challenge: Valuing World Cultures
ERC Grand Challenges: For project design, for inquiry, for activism
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash